An Open Letter to My Husband, On Our Anniversary

It was so painful, even recently, and thoughts and memories haunt me still, but look where I am today. Look WHO I am today! Look who WE are today! I know I’ve said that sort of thing before but I was never really thankful. I was never truly thankful for the pain of that journey. I felt it was all forced upon me without a choice but to blindly follow and endure the hurt. I was thankful for the outcome, for sure. I am thankful for who I am today and where God is leading me still. I’m definitely thankful for us and where we’re going!

I see things with different eyes. I hear with different ears. I speak with a different mouth. I process with a different brain. I love with a different heart. I am new.

I am thankful for the pain. Because I learned. I learned to be a better mom, to see God’s love in the tiniest of places, to depend on Him more and more everyday. I learned that He loves me SO much that He allowed me to hurt because that’s precisely what I needed. I learned how to be your wife and to see you more through God’s eyes and to love you beyond even my own understanding.

Did it all hurt? Omgoodness YES! So badly at times I thought I would die from the brokenness.

Lyle, something I never thought I’d say to you, ever, but seems so strangely appropriate on our first anniversary…  Thank you for the pain, because the lessons I learned were worth every second of it. The life we have now wouldn’t be near as awesome without it.

Thank you for being my husband and such a wonderful man of God.

Thank you for loving me wholly and just as I am.

Thank you for agreeing to be my best friend and the love of my life, even after all we put each other through. You are an absolute blessing and I look forward, every single morning, to growing together for the rest of our lives.

You are amazing and I am blessed. Happy anniversary, baby cakes. :*


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